ACM SIGBED Review (ISSN: 1551-3688)
Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems

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SIGBED Review, Volume 2, Number 4, October 2005
Special Issue on the First Workshop on Embedded System Education (WESE)


Introduction to the Special Issue
Regular Columns
Special Issue: The First Workshop on Embedded System Education (WESE), associated with the EMSOFT 2005 embedded software conference.

Introduction to the Special Issue:

This special issue of SIGBED Review presents accepted papers from the First Workshop on Embedded System Education (WESE), held with EMSOFT 2005 in September 2005.

We are pleased to present this first workshop on embedded system education associated with the 2005 EMSOFT embedded software conference. This is one of the first workshops specifically devoted to systems and software and we believe this is an important field that deserves to be addressed. First it is a very strategic domain from an economic point of view. Some statistics show that a huge proportion of microprocessor production (98% according to some sources) is used in embedded system applications. Second the field is fragmented into many application domains, e.g. aerospace, automotive, railways, telecommunications, consumer electronics, which all have their own design methods and philosophy. Therefore, it is urgent that educators meet together and discuss what and how to teach in order to get both usefully trained students and researchers able to bridge the methodological gaps that exist between this large variety of application fields.

It is in this spirit that we organized the workshop. Two invited speakers from the University of California, Berkeley and the Royal Technology Institute of Stockholm will present some of their most advanced experiences in embedded system and software education. Multiple sessions focusing on embedded systems curricula and content; teaching experiences; and labs and platforms used in embedded systems education will be conducted during the workshop. We can reasonably expect the sessions to give matter to lively, animated and enriching discussions. We also anticipate that the panel discussion that will conclude the workshop will allow us to delve deeper into the subject and raise useful conclusions.

We feel this first workshop is a great success. However, there exist many venues for improving cooperation among interested parties and facilitating greater multidisciplinary interactions. There are many things that remain to be done on the subject and there is room for significant improvements that will be the task of future editions of the workshop and our successors in their organization.

Paul Caspi,
Jeff Jackson
Special Issue Editor

Regular Columns:

Upcoming Events:
The 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2006)
Lisboa, Portugal, July 4-7, 2006
Paper submission deadline: November 15, 2005

The 12th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2006),
San Jose, California, April 4-7, 2006
Paper submission deadline: October 14, 2005

The 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2005)
San Diego, California, November 2-4, 2005

The 18th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 06)
Dresden, Germany, July 5-7, 2006
Paper submission deadline: December 11, 2005

The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 2006).
Uppsala, Sweden, June 19-22, 2006
Paper submission deadline: November 28, 2005

The 26th IEEE Real-Time Symposium (RTSS 2005),
Miami, Florida, December 5-8, 2005

Invited Contributions:

Embedded Systems Education: Future Directions, Initiatives, and Cooperation
David Jeff Jackson and Paul Caspi

Embedded System Education: A New Paradigm for Engineering Schools?
Alberto Luigi, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and Alessandro Pinto

Demand-Driven Curriculum for Embedded System Software in Korea
Suehee Pak, Eunha Rho, Juno Chang, and Moon Hae Kim

NEXCESS: Nagoya University Extension Courses for Embedded Software Specialists
Masaki Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Hiroaki Takada , Kiyoshi Agusa, Kenji Mase, Nobuo Kawaguchi, Shinya Honda and Nobuyuki Kaneko

Towards laying common grounds for embedded system design education
Peter Marwedel

Experience with an Embedded Systems Software Course
Jogesh K. Muppala

How should embedded systems be taught? Experiences and snapshots from Swedish higher engineering education
Martin Grimheden and Martin Torngren

A Case Study in Efficient Microcontroller Education
Bettina Weiss, Günther Gridling, and Markus Proske

A System for Automatic Testing of Embedded Software in Undergraduate Study Exercises
Voin Legourski, Christian Trödhandl, and Bettina Weiss

Experiences Teaching an FPGA-based Embedded Systems Class
Stephen A. Edwards

An Evaluation of the VME Architecture for Use in Embedded Systems Education
Kenneth G. Ricks, David J. Jackson, and William A. Stapleton

Diverse Hardware Platforms in Embedded Systems Lab Courses: A Way to Teach the Differences
Falk Salewski, Dirk Wilking, Stefan Kowalewski

Newsletter Editors:

Welcome to the SIGBED Review. The peer-reviewed quarterly publication provides a dissemination forum for research on embedded computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, embedded software, embedded system architecture, model-based design, distributed real-time middleware, real-time architectures, feedback control, low-power computing, sensor networks, security, and embedded applications. Submissions on these and other topics should be sent by e-mail to Tarek Abdelzaher, .

Last update: 10-11-2005
Maintained by Chengdu Huang