ACM SIGBED Review (ISSN: 1551-3688)
Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems

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SIGBED Review, Volume 13, Number 2, March 2016
Special Issue on First Workshop on Declarative Programming for Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems (DPRTCPS 2015)


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Special Issue on First Workshop on Declarative Programming for Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems (DPRTCPS 2015)

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Special Issue on First Workshop on Declarative Programming for Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems (DPRTCPS 2015)

Introduction to the Special Issue

This special issue of ACM SIGBED Review is a collection of 6 refereed papers from the First DPRTCPS Workshop, which took place at the Courtyard by Marriott Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas, USA, on December 1, 2015. Declarative programming (functional, logic, rule-based, constraints, dataflow, and visual) has several advantages over imperative programming. For example, using the functional reactive programming (FRP) paradigm over the imperative programming style found in languages such as C/C++/C# and Java for implementing embedded and real-time software allows the programmer to intuitively describe safety-critical behaviors of the system, thus lowering the chance of introducing bugs in the design phase. Its stateless nature of execution does not require the use of synchronization primitives like mutexes and semaphores, thus reducing the complexity in programming. However, accurate response time analysis of FRP-based controllers remains a largely unexplored problem. Furthermore, efficient runtime architectures and execution platforms for FRP and programs implemented in other declarative languages are nearly absent. To address this and other relevant issues for the emerging declarative programming paradigm for real-time and cyber-physical systems, this collection of papers presents work in the programming, response time analysis, scheduling, verification, execution, and performance evaluation of embedded controllers and CPS components implemented as declarative programs.

Albert M. K. Cheng
DPRTCPS 2015 Chair

Editorial Board:

Last update: 3-18-2016
Maintained by Valentina Sokolskaya
Designed by Chengdu Huang