ACM SIGBED Review (ISSN: 1551-3688)
Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems

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SIGBED Review, Volume 11, Number 3, October 2014
Special Issue on 6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2014)


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Contributed Paper
Special Issue on 6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2014)

Upcoming Events:

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Contributed Paper

Special Issue on 6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2014)

Introduction to the Special Issue

TA system is said to be adaptive if it responds to environmental changes such as hardware/software defects, resource changes, and non-continual feature usage, in ways that extend the area of operation and improve the efficiency in the use of system resources. Adaptivity often incurs overhead in terms of system complexity and resource requirements, but the resulting tradeoffs are typically ignored until a very late stage of the system development process, thus leading to disproportionate overhead, unusual tradeoffs, and less satisfactory results. To overcome these limitations, there is a strong need for adaptivity-centered research.

The 6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2014) brought together researchers and practitioners to discuss new and on-going research centered on the idea of adaptivity as first class citizen. This edition of the APRES workshop was held in conjunction with the Cyber-Physical Systems week in Berlin. The program of APRES 2014 included a keynote presentation entitled "Adaptive Embedded Computing with i-Core", by Joerg Henkel, and a total of 11 peer-reviewed papers divided in three sessions. The workshop was partially funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KKS).

APRES 2014 could not have been organized without the work of many individuals. I would like to thank all the authors for sending and presenting their papers, and the program committee for their exceptional review effort. Special thanks to the Steering committee members Luis Almeida, Karl-Erik Årzén, Sebastian Fischmeister, Insup Lee and Julián Proenza for their support and assistance in the organization. Thanks to all these contributions, this edition of the APRES workshop became again an exciting and inspiring forum for the discussion of ideas, techniques and paradigms around adaptivity and reconfigurability for embedded systems.

Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas
Program Chair of APRES 2014

Editorial Board:

Last update: 10-31-2014
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