ACM SIGBED Review (ISSN: 1551-3688)
Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems

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SIGBED Review, Volume 5, Number 1, January 2008
Special Issue on the RTSS Forum on Deeply Embedded Real-Time Computing


Introduction to the Special Issue
Regular Columns
Special Issue on the RTSS Forum on Deeply Embedded Real-Time Computing

Special Issue on the RTSS Forum on Deeply Embedded Real-Time Computing

In 2007, the Presidential Council of Advisors in Science and Technology named systems that interact with the physical world the number one research priority in information systems. Distributed, cyber-physical systems featuring sensor and actuator networks offer a new frontier for computer science research that may well cause the next society-transforming leap since the introduction of personal computers and the formation of the Internet. To promote successful discovery on these research topics, the National Science Foundation sponsored a Ph.D. student forum, in conjunction with IEEE RTSS 2007, on ideas in deeply embedded real-time computing. The goal of the forum was to encourage student involvement in new research directions and offer a channel to discuss and reward the most innovative student ideas in an exciting emerging research field. The forum was held on December 3rd at the Hilton El Conquistador in Tucson, Arizona. It featured 29 accepted short presentations on key challenges in cyber-physical systems. There presentations were divided into three groups; (i) design and analysis, (ii) technology and applications, and (iii) middleware and protocols. Forum participants represented key research laboratories in the field at many universities in the nation including the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas at Austin, University of Virginia, and Washington University, among others. As such, the forum presented a thorough sampling of the cyber-physical research landscape as viewed by its current participants. SIGBED review dedicates this issue to the publication of forum results. We hope the reader will find this overview of current cyber-physical computing ideas and directions in the nation both interesting and informative.

Forum co-Chairs
Xue Liu and Tarek Abdelzaher

Regular Columns:

Upcoming Events:

Special Issue on the RTSS Forum on Deeply Embedded Real-Time Computing

Design and Analysis

Technology and Applications

Middleware, Protocols and Security

Newsletter Editors:

Welcome to the SIGBED Review. The peer-reviewed quarterly publication provides a dissemination forum for research on embedded computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, embedded software, embedded system architecture, model-based design, distributed real-time middleware, real-time architectures, feedback control, low-power computing, sensor networks, security, and embedded applications. Submissions on these and other topics should be sent by e-mail to Tarek Abdelzaher,

Last update: 02-18-2008
Maintained by Chengdu Huang