ACM SIGBED Review (ISSN: 1551-3688)
Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems

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SIGBED Review, Volume 2, Number 2, April 2005
Special Issue on IEEE RTAS 2005 Work-in-Progress


Introduction to the Special Issue
Regular Columns
Special Issue: Invited Contributions -- IEEE RTAS 2005 Work-in-Progress

Introduction to the Special Issue:

The Work-in-Progress Session of the 2005 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium brings together some of the latest on-going projects in real-time and embedded systems. Ten papers have been selected to appear in this session and are presented in this issue. There are at least two reviews from the program committee for each paper, and in many cases there are three or four reviews. Papers coauthored by me, my students, and collaborators were handled by Real-Time Infrastructure Track Program Chair Oleg Sokolsky.

The WiP Session has been divided into four mini-sessions, covering four major areas of real-time systems research: (1) power-aware systems, (2) scheduling, (3) analysis and verification, and (4) system software and hardware. This issue also follows this format and has grouped the papers into these four areas. The first two papers (Wang and Cheng, Kumar and G. Manimaran) describe new strategies to conserve energy in real-time and embedded systems. Then the following three papers (Chen and Cheng, Qadi and Goddard, Johnstone and Bradley) present novel scheduling strategies and applications. The next three papers (Nguyen et al, Oehlerking et al, Sundmark et al) deal with the verification and testing of embedded systems. The final two papers (Chousein and Mahapatra, Fryer) look at hardware-based approaches for real-time and embedded applications. I hope that you will find this issue stimulating and rewarding.

Albert M. K. Cheng
Special Issue Editor

Regular Columns:

Invited Contributions:

A Dynamic-Mode DVS Algorithm under Dynamic Workload
Yan Wang and Albert M. K. Cheng
Department of Computer Science, University of Houston

An Intra-task DVS Algorithm Exploiting Path Probabilities for Real-Time Systems
G. Sudha Anil Kumar and G. Manimaran
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University

Applying Ant Colony Optimization to the Partitioned Scheduling Problem for Heterogeneous Multiprocessors
Hua Chen and Albert M. K. Cheng
Department of Computer Science, University of Houston

Fixed-Priority Scheduling of Variable Rate Tasks for an Autonomous Mobible Robot
Ala' Qadi and Steve Goddard
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Opportunistic Scheduling in a Constraint-rich World
David Johnstone and Steven Bradley
Department of Computer Science, University of Durham, UK

TCX Project: High Assurance for Secure Embedded Systems
Thuy D. Nguyen, Timothy E. Levin, and Cynthia E. Irvine
Naval Postgraduate School

Towards Automatic Verification of Affine Hybrid System Stability
Jens Oehlerking, Henning Burchardt, and Oliver Theel
Department of Computer Science, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany

Regression Testing of Multi-Tasking Real-Time Systems: A Problem Statement
Daniel Sundmark, Anders Pettersson, and Herik Thane
MRTC, Malärdalen University, Sweden

Fully Associative Cache Partitioning with Don't Care Bits for Real-Time Applications
Ali Chousein and Rabi N. Mahapatra
Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University

FPGA Based CPU Instrumentation for Hard Real-Time Embedded System Testing
Richard Fryer
Department of Computer Science, California Polytechnic State University

Newsletter Editors:

Welcome to the SIGBED Review. The peer-reviewed quarterly publication provides a dissemination forum for research on embedded computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, embedded software, embedded system architecture, model-based design, distributed real-time middleware, real-time architectures, feedback control, low-power computing, sensor networks, security, and embedded applications. Submissions on these and other topics should be sent by e-mail to Tarek Abdelzaher, .

Last update: 4-24-2005
Maintained by Chengdu Huang