ACM SIGBED Review (ISSN: 1551-3688)
Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems

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SIGBED Review, Volume 16, Number 3, October 2019
Special Issue on Embedded Operating Systems Workshops (EWiLi'17 and EWiLi'18)


Upcoming Events
Special Issue on Embedded Operating Systems Workshops (EWiLi'17 and EWiLi'18)

Upcoming Events:

Below is a list of upcoming events of interest to embedded systems community. Not all of the events below are supported by ACM SIGBED. SIGBED sponsors a variety of events related to embedded systems development. The list of currently sponsored events is avalable here. If you would like your event to be considered for sponsorship, please contact SIGBED officers.

Special Issue on Embedded Operating Systems Workshops (EWiLi'17 and EWiLi'18)

Introduction to the Special Issue

EWiLi, the embedded operating system workshop, aims at presenting state-of-the-art research,
experimentations, significant and original realizations that focus on the design and implementation of embedded operating systems in both academic and industrial worlds.

2018 and 2017 editions were jointly organized with Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).

The 2018 edition featured a distinguished keynote speaker, delivering a state-of-the-art presentation on topic related to real-time and multicore architectures:
Marco Di Natale who is an IEEE Senior member and an Associate Professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Italy, with a talk on "Preserving Determinism when Moving to Multicores: LET and Code Generation from Models"

In addition to the keynote, three sessions were programmed during the 2018 edition with three regular paper presentations each:
"Real-Time Systems",
"Performance in Embedded Systems" and
"Energy-Aware Systems".

Accepted regular papers were submitted from 8 different countries. The EWiLi Program Committee worked hard to provide high quality reviews for each paper (at least 3 reviews per paper).

The 2017 edition did not take place because of some organization issues, however the reviewing process ran normally and papers accepted are included in this special issue.

We would like to thank all members of the Program Committee for their valuable efforts for prompt and high quality reviews, advices, and various help they provided to make that event successful.

Finally, we also would like to thank all the authors of the submitted papers and all the participants who contributed in making EWiLi an exciting forum for researchers and practitioners.

EWiLi chairs
   2018 edition:
         Edoardo Patti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
         Laurent Pautet, Telecom ParisTech, France
   2017 edition:
         John Kubiatowicz, Univ. of California Berkeley, USA
         Giuseppe Lipari, Univ. Lille, France

Editorial Board:

Last update: 10-24-2019

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